About Me

DATE : March 5, 2022 By :


I would like to tell you a bit about my world in the hope that you will feel comfortable “At Home with Renee” as you come here time and time again to find inspiration, resources, ideas and creativity in the various sections of this site!

From the constant encouragement of family, friends and clients over a lifetime, I am finally opening my heart and home to you all!   If you have found this website, then we already share a “kindred” spirit, and I can’t wait to share with you!

Now I did say, “over a lifetime” – I’m very near retirement!  I attended Ohio State University (Go Buckeyes!) where I met my husband during my freshman year as a music education major.  Well – he won my heart, and instead of a bachelor’s degree, I got an MRS degree, and we have been married for almost 45 years.  We raised 3 children, and have 3 grandchildren.  We currently reside in the San Diego area.  We each have gone through a couple of careers – some producing more money than others if you get my geist…BUT through all of the successes and “failures” (which aren’t really failures, but learning tools!), we have come closer to doing what we love – for me that has always involved some sort of creativity – whether in my now 20 year career as a private flute instructor (I eventually went back to school), to extensive sewing and quilting and their use in home décor to woodworking and repurposing something cast off to make something useful and beautiful.

I am excited to share experiences, ideas and resources I’ve gleaned over the years, and also new things I am learning – Welcome to my Home!

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At Home With Renee