How I Spend My Day

Getting up at 8am, usually, I take the dogs, one black lab and one chow out to do their business one at a time.  They get their dry and some canned food with Glucosamine chews to strengthen their bones. When I take them out, I always hope there are no other dogs, bikes, bunnies, squirrels … Continue reading How I Spend My Day

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Knee Replacements

Just 7 weeks ago, I had bilateral knee replacements. Yep – count ‘em – both knees at the same time (on the recommendation of my highly respected surgeon)! Now, everyone says how brave I must be (but thinking, “crazy”), and I was at the time! But upon waking up in recovery and being told that … Continue reading Knee Replacements

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Home Decor You Didn’t Know You Needed

The perfect home decor isn’t achieved through quantity, but rather quality. Hoarding a lot of nice home furnishings and decor doesn’t magically make your living room or bedroom look stylish and pleasing. True home decor experts know that one perfect decor piece can speak volumes. This article brings you some of the most aesthetic decor … Continue reading Home Decor You Didn’t Know You Needed

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How The Pandemic Revived Beach Styling

Out of a traumatic worldwide pandemic, we find ourselves changing some of our recent home décor stylings. With social distancing and the need to keep our homes fully ventilated, the Beach Style has made a comeback. With double open doors and alfresco living areas, whitewashed walls, and happy, bold-colored prints, our homes are opening for … Continue reading How The Pandemic Revived Beach Styling

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Practical Ways To Furnish Your Guest Bedroom

When we have guests to stay, we want them to feel welcome and comfortable, and the best place to start is the guest bedroom. Two things to keep in mind when furnishing your guestroom; firstly, there must be enough space in the room for their belongings. Secondly, think of the little things that show your … Continue reading Practical Ways To Furnish Your Guest Bedroom

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Renovate Your House To Your True Liking For Your True Self

What is “home”?  It can be synonymous with happiness if you have room in your heart. This is true regardless of whether you’re talking about a physical place or one’s psychological state. “Home” is that special place where you can take off your mask and be yourself. It’s the only place in the world where … Continue reading Renovate Your House To Your True Liking For Your True Self

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