Gardening Tips For A Healthy Life

DATE : March 16, 2022 By :

Gardening can be a fun and exciting activity with many therapeutic benefits. Having a small garden in your backyard where you can grow some vegetables and tomatoes can be of great help by providing you with fresh, tasty food and making the environment around your home more beautiful and refreshing. A vegetable garden will give you an opportunity of having more vegetable intake in your meals, and this will impact your health more positively. Gardening is a form of exercising that impacts virtually every part of your body, giving you a huge sense of accomplishment.

Some Of The Common Benefits Of Gardening

Disease Prevention

It has been proven that gardening reduces the risks of heart disease and stroke attacks. Exposing the body to sunlight as you garden is a good way of getting more vitamin D which helps the body absorb calcium. Calcium is necessary for strong bones, which then help in boosting immunity. Gardening has also been said to reduce blood pressure.

Stress Relief

Physical exercises have been known to release endorphins that are necessary for alleviating stress. Being mindful as you go through your digging, planting or weeding also helps in lowering stress. Listening to the wind blow, the trees, and touching the earth as you dig has a way of just calming the mind, restoring balance, and well-being.

Gardening Tips

With some knowledge of the benefits, let’s now look at some tips you can use to keep and maintain your garden. Keeping your garden green and healthy requires commitment. Before planting, it is good to take some time and prepare the ground well. Well-prepared soil is suitable for the healthy growth of plants. Organic matter like compost, manure, and peat moss can be added to increase the level of nutrients. Healthy soil produces healthy plants that are more capable of resisting insects and disease problems.

The presence of weeds in the garden affects the growth and health of the plants. It’s important to weed the garden and rid it of any form of weeds as weeds harbor insects and diseases. Weeding regularly is an effective way of keeping weeds away.

Mulching is very helpful as it preserves moisture from the root of plants and also helps in reducing the fast sprouting of weeds. It also helps in regulating temperature around the root of the plant. Dry grass is very good for mulching; using grass that has been mowed for mulching is fine. Mulching also prevents erosion and reduces diseases.

Watering frequently is what will make the vegetables thrive and be productive. Measures should be put in place to make sure the garden is efficiently watered. Lack of enough water is likely to cause the vegetable to wither and dry.

Understanding the type of soil in your garden will help you know the type of treatment. Different soil types require different types of treatment. Clay soil, sandy soil, and loam soil should be treated differently when preparing and administering water. Loam water soil is good at absorbing water and storing it for plant use. Clay soil requires some tilling to open it up as it takes in water very slowly. Sandy soil should be mixed with organic material to be able to contain the water for the plant.

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